All donations help fund scholarships, grants and programs that support relationships, wellbeing, and education in our community


Grants, Scholarships & Programs


Chenoa Plank Memorial Scholarship

A scholarship for current & aspiring mountain professionals in memory of Chenoa Lynn Plank.


Medical Expense Grant

Playing and working in the mountains do not come without risk. The Medical Expense Grant supports patrollers and community members who devote their lives and careers to the mountains.


Heart & Soul Grant

The Heart & Soul Grant supports the Little Cottonwood Canyon community in recognizing and honoring the contributions of current and former Alta Ski Patrollers as well as supporting members of the Alta Ski Patrol community and their families during times of death, loss, or need.


Exchange Program

Ski patrol exchange is a unique opportunity for Alta Ski Patrollers to travel to other Class A ski resorts, learn how their ski patrols work, and build relationships with workers in mountain communities across the western United States and Canada.


Jack Waldron Social Grant

In Memory of Jack Waldron, the JW Social Grant encourages Alta Ski Patrollers to appreciate self-care and wellbeing by continuing social traditions that enhance the team’s relationships each season.


Grant Evaluation Form

Have you participated in one of our grants or scholarships? If so, please complete the form below and tell us about your experience.